Thursday, March 14, 2019


The constant posts of call a friend, check on them and say hey some see a clear gimmick not an actual call for help. In extremes some will wonder why you didn’t reach out, say something or give a sign and why you let it get that far.

Over the last three decades, there has been a marked increase in the number of men accompanying their partners in hospital labor wards, feminists might argue that this is a clear sign of domination and power trait but we can’t argue with the positive and emotional uplifting experience of having a teammate with you and a friend who would embrace the pain with you.

“Stare occasionally at the world, seeing everyone else living what appears to be their best happy lives, while I feel trapped in a black hole, numb and paralyzed, trying to call out but nobody is listening.”                                          

The assumption that we have that depressed people are mostly sad is a misunderstanding. Depression is a mood disorder that unlike sadness which twinkly changes when you cheer up, stays with a person 24/7. The numbness to life and emotions, the feeling of being left alone but the fear of being lonely, wanting friends with no urge to socialize, the fear of failure without even trying.

I am tired, meaning you find escape in sleep, even at the prime times of your day, or the insomnia that keeps you awake. Memories of when days were better and how you were fun to hang around, but now you feel like you’ve lost yourself. The worst moment is the smile for the camera moment, when you have to pretend that you are not depressed but your soul is in tears.

         “I may not be able to understand what you are going through, how you feel but I care about you and want to help.”

Hold a friend’s hand, be compassionate, listen, tell them, “you are not alone in this I am here for you, I care about your life.” You might not help them solve their depression but you will uplift and motivate them, giving them a feeling of someone cares. Just saying.


Green Lights

                                         Written by Annette Achieng and Marvin Lukulu Red lights, green lights, blue lights. . all of ...